Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Mon, Oct 3, 2011 at 12:48 PM
BCWI Response

Dear Daria,
Thanks so much for the message at Build Creative Writing Ideas! I understand how hard it must be to write about something so painful. Personally, I've had luck putting parts of my books on my website and I've even made a few sales as a result.
But it doesn't seem like your sales are the issue here. It's a matter of getting this dang thing out of your system and writing the first draft as fast as possible so that you don't even have time to let your fear catch up. I think if putting up this first chapter and sharing it with your friends and readers will help you to feel more comfortable telling the rest of your story, you should do it!
Good luck and let me know how everything goes.
Creatively stuck? :::
Like Nerdy Superheroes? :::

I've never had so many encouraging words from someone other than family or friends before.  Receiving this email from Bryan made my day and has me back writing my book like there is no tomorrow.  I write from 9-10am while I'm at my light therapy, take a short walk home.  Write from 11am-12pm, have my lunch, go outside on my step for a smoke and a lesuirely read from my Kobo.  Come inside, check my email, go onto Byran Cohen's website and read his latest post, and then wait for my son to get home from school.

Once my son is home, we do his homework if he has any, he goes down in the basement for a half hour to practice his clarient, while I prepare supper unless its steak or pork chops then it's up to my fiancee when he gets home from work.  At 7, we have supper, and after that my son has free time until 8:30.  Once he is in bed I write for another hour some nights if I feel the creative juices flowing but most days I just get two hours of writing time in.

A housewife's work is never done, we have laundry and rooms in the house to clean before we go to bed every night.  Before school every morning we have lunches to pack and agendas to sign and make sure they have everything in their backpacks they need for school.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Daria,
    I saw your profile and two things struck out. 1. Hockey Mom 2. A son who has ADHD. I have these two things in common with you. I'd like to join your blog, if that's okay with you.
